
Saturday, October 1, 2011


In Matthew 13, Jesus tells this story...

"The kingdom of heaven is like a man who found a TREASURE in a field and with joy, sold all he owned to buy that field."

Imagine walking into a field and finding something so beautiful, so valuable ...
that all you possess or could ever gain in this life pales in comparison.
So you make a sign... EVERYTHING MUST GO!!!!! ...and have a garage sale.
Everyone thinks you've lost your mind.
             "Why are you doing this?" they demand.
You point to the field and smile. 
"I'm buying that!"
"You're crazy," they protest. 
"Don't you see? You're losing everything." 
But you just keep smiling because you know that with the field comes the TREASURE. You are gaining - not losing. With joy you sell ALL, because you've seen a beauty worth losing EVERYTHING for.

I like this story. I've preached it many times as though we were the ones who find the great TREASURE - the kingdom of God - worth losing everything for.
But recently, my son, Aaron, wondered, "What if GOD is the man who sold everything and WE are the TREASURE?"

Even better.
It is a little story that points to the big story.

We are the TREASURE God emptied himself to buy. 
When Jesus came from heaven to find us, he found his TREASURE.
Heaven was bankrupt as Jesus gave ALL and died for us.
"But for the JOY set before him he endured the cross..."
the pain and the loss...
Hebrews 12:2
Yes. The JOY of finding and gaining the TREASURE.
Think what it cost God to own you and now what JOY He has in having you.

You are the TREASURE!